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mindful masculinity

Therapy for Men

Hey, man.


We all have struggles in life.


We all need support, and we're all wired for connection.


Your partner is not supposed to be your therapist, and neither is your friend, your colleague, or the latest A.I..​


Subreddits, generative A.I. chatbots, and social media *can be* therapeutic self-help, but *they ain't* therapy.


You need to get out of your head and speak freely, but you don't want to burden your relationships.


You need a therapist who will listen to you and join you through the truth because you need to do the real work.


You need accountability (a.k.a., "I need a therapist who can call me out on my B.S.").


You want therapy to challenge AND support you because​ you need a return on your therapy investment.


Many men don't typically seek mental health treatment. If they do, they don't typically receive gender-specific care. Working with Your Right Hand Therapy Man can help you to "Unpack the Man Box".


The Man Box is a concept often used to illustrate "the collective socialization of men".


Boys are often trained on how to be a patriarchal man:

  • Do not cry or openly express emotions (with the exception of anger)

  • Do not express weakness or fear

  • Demonstrate power and control (especially over women)

  • Do not be "like a women" or "like a gay man"

  • Be tough, athletic, strong, brave

  • View women as property / sexual objects


We often share and talk about The Man Box in therapy. Many clients have never heard of it before. However, once we start sharing and talking a bit more about it, I often hear people say something like, "I've never heard it described that way, but I know exactly what that is".


Anger - you know anger because "Real men get mad".


Sexual Excitement - you know that too.


Sadness - you know sadness but if you ever showed it, then maybe you were harshly told not to, leading you to develop inappropriate guilt and toxic shame about feeling and expressing emotions.


Anxiety and Fear - you know anxiety and fear too, but if you showed it, then boom - more critical judgment.


Harsh criticism, judgment, and policing of boys and men to prove their masculinity increases their stress, straining their emotional and relational wellness.


You internalize these norms and expectations as your own Inner Critic ordering you what to do, what not to do, what to feel, what not to feel, and how to be a man - the Macho Man, the Tough Guy, the Athlete, the Cool Guy, the Sex Machine, the Provider, the Protector, Mr. Fix It.


Men are more likely to experience anger, stress, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem when their manhood (i.e., "gender status") is called into question.


Shame, guilt, and anxiety start to creep in, and they get tangled up with our core emotions like anger, fear, sadness, disgust, joy, excitement, and sexual excitement. These are all natural, human emotions.


We can help you, and we're not here to judge you for anything. We can also understand if you'd rather avoid it, saying something like, "I don't want to talk about it".​


Men often try to defend and protect themselves somehow (e.g., avoidance, denial, depression) from all of the big, overwhelming emotions.


Being stoic and unemotional, doom-scrolling, playing video games, gambling, binge drinking booze, smoking and vaping nicotine, getting high, masturbating to pornography, sleeping it off, over-eating, over-working, over-exercising, stonewalling, isolating, withdrawing from others, and being tough can all become harmful forms of emotional avoidance, which actually creates additional, unintended stress.


Unfortunately, male avoidance of emotions is a common factor that contributes to internalized attacks against the Self (e.g., anxiety, depression, shame, negative self-image, etc.) and also externalized attacks toward other people (physical, sexual, and verbal aggression).


You're tired of trying to prove that you're "man enough".


Working with an experienced male therapist can give you the therapeutic space and support that you need to learn more about everything, get to the heart of it, and get you that return on your therapy investment.

What are "Men's Issues"?

"Men's Issues" can generally be explained as anything effecting men. Really, it's that simple, even if the issues themselves may be complex. If you're a guy, then you may need a therapist who's familiar with men's issues.


Verve Psychotherapy can help with that and more:



    • Poor Concentration, Easily Distracted, Restlessness, Careless Mistakes


    • Alcohol, Gambling, Pornography, Substances ​


    • Anger, Frustration, Impulsivity, Irritability, Rage, Self-Control, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, Interpersonal Skills


    • Asking for Help, Conflict, Connection, Emotions, Intimacy, Honesty, Responsibility


    • Bereavement, Divorce/Separation, Job Loss, Everyday Losses, COVID-19 Pandemic Stress, Life Transitions, Moving to a New City


    • Presence, Co-Parenting, Single-Parenting, Providing, Learning How to Be a Dad


    • Internalized Fear of Being Exposed as a "Fraud", Self-Doubt, Negative Self-Image

  • MASCULINITY (The Harmful, Patriarchal Kinds)​

    • "Be a Man", "Don't Cry", "Toughen Up", "Nut Up or Shut Up"​, Everything Packed into "The Man Box"

  • MOOD​

    • Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders


    • Boredom, Isolation, Fulfillment, Purpose, Satisfaction​, Values, Achievement


    • Low Motivation, Perfectionism, Success Sabotage, Goal Setting​


    • Attachment, Codependency, Conflict, Sex & Intimacy, Trust, Resentment, Criticism


    • Body Image, Low Self-Worth, Negative Core Beliefs​, Harsh Judgment Toward Self


    • Work, Money, Family, Dating, Intimacy, Relationships, Sex​

  • TRAUMA (Acute, Chronic, Complex)​

    • Abuse, Grief, Intimate Partner Violence, Medical, PTSD​


    • Boundaries, ​Leisure, Productivity, Priorities, Push & Pull of Competing Demands​, Self-Care

What to Expect:

FIRST: Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation. This is the first opportunity for you and the therapist to ask each other questions. We discuss your reasons for starting therapy, your needs and therapeutic goals, and the logistics of working together. Mostly, we want to figure out if we can be a good fit for starting a client-therapist relationship. If so, then we schedule an intake appointment and you receive a Welcome Email to the Client Portal, where you can complete the required consent forms.


SECOND: The Initial Intake Appointment. This is the next best opportunity for you to share details about you and your life. This helps us start the LEARNING PHASE OF THERAPY. Assessment & Evaluation of your mental health will guide discussion that is also focused on recent and remote history of many parts of you and your life like family, education, employment, self-care, and social relationships. We discuss a lot in this first appointment while we also make sure that the pace of our process helps you feel seen, heard, and understood. Finally, we identify specific therapeutic goals, discuss your treatment options, and create your personalized plan for therapy.


THIRD: First Follow Up Appointment. Assessment & Evaluation, Treatment Planning, and Discharge Planning will continue to show up as frequent parts of therapy throughout the course of treatment. Along the way, we move into the GETTING TO THE HEART OF IT PHASE OF THERAPY. Now that you have had a chance to create a personalized plan for your therapy, we start working it into action. Mostly, we keep building rapport because the therapeutic relationship drives the work.


GOING FORWARD: Follow Up Appointments. Therapeutic process moves at your pace. Safely guiding clients through their own personalized treatment plan tops the agenda for each and every therapy session. Feedback Loops will help us monitor and modify how we work with each other in order to ensure that you benefit from the RETURN ON INVESTMENT PHASE OF THERAPY that you need because that is what matters to us most. Eventually, therapy will end and you can continue to building a life worth living on your own.

Man with Suit
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